Bookings made at this property are made under the followings terms:
1.Contract: Walton Castle Clevedon Ltd (WCC Ltd) is the operating company of Walton Castle and arranges short term lets. The Contract is between WCC Ltd and the Client. Any issues arising under the Contract should be addressed to WCC Ltd. The Contract will be entered into when WCC Ltd issues the confirmation after payment of the deposit due and will be subject to all Booking Conditions. The Client should check the confirmation details carefully.
2.Provisional booking: Provisional bookings may be accepted by WCC Ltd (the Company) subject to the availability of facilities. On acceptance of the provisional booking the company will send the Client an email outlining agreed details of the event, which will form the contract between the Client and the Company for 48 hours. At this stage there is no contract between the Client and the Company and the booking may be released by either party.
3.Confirmation of booking: The provisional booking will be held by the Company until we have received from the Client a signed copy of our terms and conditions together with a deposit for the venue. Should the signed copy of the letter and the deposit not be received within the timescale outlined in the letter, the Company will release the booking. Receipt by the Company of the signed copy of the Terms and Conditions will signify the Client’s acceptance of the same.
4.Deposit: The non-refundable deposit of 30% of the total value is the prepayment in part of any venue facility charges and other costs. Please note Deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable.
5.Cancellation charges: Should you need to cancel your event, we will:
A) Find a suitable replacement booking for you.
B) Postpone your event to a mutually acceptable date, however should this date fall into another calendar year there might be a surcharge.
All of the above is to be discussed with the Management.
6.Cancellation by the Company: The company may cancel the booking at any time without liability to the Client if: I. Any part of the venue is closed or unable to operate for any reason beyond the venue’s control. II. If you or the Company become insolvent, or in the case of an individual, becomes subject to bankruptcy petition. III. The person associated with the booking and/or the purpose of the event might damage the reputation of the venue or the company.
7.A Final invoice for full payment of the event will be sent prior to the event. Payment must be received before the event. Non- payment of the invoice by due the date could result in the non-availability of the venue for the event. Payment can be made by BACS or bank transfer to our account.
8.Compliance with operating licence: In order for us to operate as a venue for events, North Somerset Council have set conditions, which must be adhered to: ;
.We can arrange SILENT fireworks
9.Changes in final numbers to be advised to the Company no later than 72 hours prior to the event.
10.Maximum Numbers of people to be accommodated in each room is laid down by the Company and must not be exceeded. The number of persons residing at the property must not exceed 16 unless otherwise agreed.
11.Outside contractors: Permission must be obtained from the Company for outside contractors to be brought in. They must hold all necessary risk assessments, insurance and waste transfer documentation, copies of which must be provided to the Company prior to the event.
12.Loss or damage: The Company does not accept any responsibility or liability in respect of loss or damage to any property brought onto the premises by or on behalf of the hirer, his servants and agent, or persons authorised by him to visit the premises.
13.Consequential loss: The Company does not accept responsibility for any claims of consequential loss suffered by the hirer, its servants, agents, contractors or licensees following cancellation or abandonment of the event.
14.Damage: The organisers of the event will themselves be responsible to the Company for making good damage which may be done to premises, furniture and other property consequent upon the use of company premises by persons attending such events.
15.Advertising: Company premises must not be used for advertising purposes unless by prior permission. Walton Castle reserves the right for discreet access to fulfil social media and marketing activities. The activities will in no way have any impact on the clients function and all images and video will be fully accessible following the event unless collaboration is requested.
16.Departure times: Unless otherwise negotiated, all bedrooms must be vacated by 11am on the day of departure.
17.Security Deposit. A refundable security deposit of 10 % of the total rent with a minimum of £350 is payable 28 days prior to the event. The Client will be notified in writing of any details of damage. With regard to rubbish collection for weddings and large parties, caterers must remove all their rubbish and Wedding parties and large groups are required to take all personal rubbish. Any breeches to the terms and conditions will result in security deposit being withheld.
18.Care of Property: The Client(s) shall take reasonable and proper care of the property and its contents and leave them in the same state of repair and condition as at the beginning of the let. With regard to rubbish collection for weddings and large parties, caterers must remove all their rubbish and Wedding parties and large groups are required to take all personal rubbish. Any breeches to the terms and conditions will result in security deposit being withheld.
19.Smoking is not allowed under any circumstances in any areas inside the castle or its turrets. There will be a £1000 levied should this occur. Smoking is permitted in the outside courtyard, where ash buckets are provided.
20.Pets by prior agreement.
21.Confetti: We request that only flowers petals are thrown as a form of confetti. (No rice, paper or synthetic confetti please). Any breeches to the terms and conditions will result in security deposit being withheld.
22.The Swimming Pool instructions and safety guidance is attached to this document and becomes a part of the terms and conditions of hire on the property referenced above.
Walton Castle has a swimming pool located on site. The Client(s) will use the swimming pool at the clients’ own risk. Walton Castle will not be held responsible for the injuries sustained by the tenant and/or the tenant’s occupants or guests when using the swimming pool and, and the tenant will indemnify Walton castle for any actions resulting from injuries to Client and/or clients’ occupants or guests. The Client must immediately notify the landlord of any repair that the swimming pool may require. The Client is responsible for the full cost that may be due for repair and/or replacement of the swimming pool that is required as a result of negligence by the Client or the clients occupants or guests. The Client must operate the swimming pool in accordance with the attached conditions of use.
The Client understands that the swimming pool is strictly an amenity and that the use of this amenity is not guaranteed under the terms and condition of hire. Any interruption or non-availability of the use of the swimming pool will not violate any terms of the hire of the Castle.
23.Right of Entry: The Company shall be allowed right of entry to the property at all reasonable times for the purposes of inspection or to carry out necessary repairs or maintenance.
24.Cancellation/Event/Wedding Insurance: Following recent events Wedding/Cancellation insurance is now compulsory.
25.Termination: WCC ltd or its managers reserve the right to terminate this agreement and request the immediate departure of all persons from the property in the event of a serious breach of the terms of this agreement. The breach may include but is not limited to the following:
I.Serious damage to the property
II.Criminal or illegal activity
III.Unreasonable or abusive behaviour
IV. Excessive noise pollution which will adversely effect the rights of the property and involve the police and authorities in any form of complaint
26. Corkage I am sorry to have to put this in writing but over the past couple of years we have found that despite our flexibility in allowing Wedding and Party clients to bring an agreed amount of alcohol corkage free on to the premises, we have found the venue flooded with cheap booze. This is not fair or respectful and we cannot allow this to continue. We therefore hold you responsible should serious breaches like this occur in the future we reserve the right to charge retrospective corkage of £30.00 per head. (This does not apply to small family stays or parties of up to 22 guests).
Swimming Pool Operation Instructions, Rules of Use and Safety Guidance
Please read this section before using the Swimming Pool. An adult member of your party will be required to sign to demonstrate that the following document has been read, understood and will be adhered to by all party members, prior to access being permitted to the pool and hot tub being used.
We want you to have a great time and enjoy the amenities at the castle but not at the risk to yours or your guest lives. However, if you or your guests violate any part of this document, the client will then be in default of the hire. In the event of a default, Walton Castle may initiate legal proceedings in accordance with Health and Safety regulations and/or have the Client removed from the premises.
Health and Safety Guidance for the Swimming Pool
Please adhere to the following guidance at all times to ensure your health and safety:
- The Client is responsible for keeping the swimming pool clean of debris and keeping the pool clean, neat and organised.
- The Client is responsible for keeping all gates locked and the swimming pool area secured at all times when not in use.
- At no time should children be allowed to use the pool while unattended.
- It is strongly recommended that the Swimming Pool is not used for lone bathing or that another adult is at least within sight and earshot.
- At all times, the portable phone must be taken to the swimming pool when in use.
- Party members with history of heart disease, circulatory problems, diabetes, stroke or blood pressure should consult a doctor before using the pool. Similarly, party members on medication that cause drowsiness (see information with medication), with any physical / mental disability, that are pregnant or that are in any way infirm should consult a doctor before using pool and should be accompanied by another adult.
- Do not use the pool while under the influence of alcohol or narcotics (recreational drugs) and do not consume such while using the pool.
- No glasses to be used in the pool and no drink or food consumed.
- Do not drink the water or urinate in pool.
- No pets of any kind are permitted in the swimming pool at any time.
- Party members with infection to any part of the body or with open sores or wounds should not use the pool to avoid spreading infection. If bathers feel unwell or suffer any skin discomfort they should exit the pool immediately. If any bathers develop rashes of any kind these should be reported to the Castle Team and bathing should cease until rash has cleared.
- All users must shower before and after use. This reduces risk of spreading infections and also removes natural and applied chemicals (eg perspiration and lotions) that can reduce the effectiveness of disinfectants that are present in the water.
- The pool will be carefully maintained and water tested / treated before your arrival but if you notice any abnormality to the water (eg cloudiness, odour) please report this too the duty manager immediately. Level of use, weather conditions and cleanliness of bathers can all affect the disinfectant (chlorine) efficiency.
Notes: Should any damages be caused to the swimming pool, or contamination occur to water as a result of failure to follow above instructions & those laid out in the terms and conditions of hire, you will be charged for resultant costs.
I (insert name) _______________________ hereby confirm that I have read. fully understand (contact us first if you have any queries) and will adhere to the Health and Safety Guidance and operating instructions for the swimming pool and will ensure that other members of my party also understand and adhere to such. I understand that all members of my party use the pool at their own risk. I understand that any costs incurred as a result of damage to the pool or contamination of water will be charged to myself.
Signed: _________________________________ Date: ___________